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Welcome  Motivators
to CM's

Clear Motivations

We are delighted to have you on board and as part of our team!

   Please complete the following steps before your orientation.

Onboarding must be completed on a desktop/laptop.

It CANNOT be completed on your cell phone!

Clear Motivations

Do you have what it takes to be a Motivator?

Time to go over what to expect when accepting a position as a  Job Coach at Clear Motivations!

Step 1:
Job Description Agreement

Clear Motivations

Timeero, Gusto,
Spaces & CamScanner

These apps will be covered in detail when you are in orientation.

Please be prepared by downloading the apps and watching the tutorials!

Step 4:
Downloading Apps

Important Forms

Please read our Media Consent, Confidentiality Agreement, Zero Tolerance Policy, the Latnerman Act, Personal Rights, and Reports of Suspected abuse forms carefully. 

Step 2:
Staff Yearly Forms

Clear Motivations

Step 5:
Document Checklist

Document Checklist

All Required documents must be submitted within 3 days after accepting the position.

Failing to do so, CM will assume you have rejected the position. 

Clear Motivations

Step 3:
Meal Waiver

Clear Motivations

Meal Waiver Agreement

Please read the explanation of our Meal Waiver Agreement to gain a better understanding of what this means.

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