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Straight From The Heart: A Parent's Testimonial

Parent of Matthew S.
"As a parent of an adult with special needs, I can't begin to express my gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Colin and the amazing staff at Clear Motivations. Every parent wants their child to be the best that they can be, Clear Motivations is an intricate part of that process..."

Parent of Ricardo
"I am 100% about the program! I like how the program works with my son. I am fully satisfied with the way everything is done, and I have no concerns. Keep up the good work CM!"

Parent of Sean
"We are very satisfied. He's very happy. Everyone is encouraging and tries to help him make good choices..."

Parent of Mark
"...With the endless support from Clear Motivations, Mark has been offered part-time employment at CM's Motivate My Closet thrift store as a store clerk where he continues to receive job coaching. This has been a huge encourgament for Mark. We believe it's a valuable opportunity to prepare himself for the next direct hire opportunity in the future..."

Parent of Matthew D.
"Clear Motivations has been a great program for our son. The founders and staff are so positive and caring with their program participants, and develop plans to maximize each individual's potential, taking into account their unique challenges..."

Parent of In-Hyuk
"I am more than happy with all of the staff, they do an excellent job. They support my boy! We will always appreciate them."

Parent of Oliver
"...After being in training for five months, Oliver landed his first job at McDonald's. He is doing great, he loves it and we are all very proud of him and are very thankful for all the dedication that Clear Motivations has had for him."

Parent of Mireya
"Everything about Clear Motivations is good! I am happy with the way Mireya has been supported throughout the years. She is currently working at Chick-fil-a!"

Parent of Trey
"...I think it's great that so many participants are now working at various job sites, and it's all because of the determination and faith that the Clear Motivations staff has for individuals with disabilities."

Parent of Michael
"...Our dream was that someday Michael might have a paid job and be part of the workforce. Clear Motivations has worked with Michael to allow that to happen. He is supported by an incredible job coach, who is constantly working with Michael to increase his confidence and improve his capabilities."

Parent of Trevor
"Our son has Autism and loves routine. We searched and visited programs that he could join once he turned 22. We picked Clear Motivations and are SO HAPPY! Our son loves going to work everyday! We have found that job coaches are truly the best!"

Parent of Erika
"Clear Motivations is a great program and in my opinion is different from other adult day programs. CM has a wonderful staff and provides the necessary support for all of their participants."

Parent of Haley
"...Haley is in the 1:4 program. Some skills she has learned on the internship sites are refocusing, maturity, and maintaining enthusiasm. Tasks are accomplished at a higher level than prior to the program enrollment. I find the skills training she’s received very valuable. The greater the consistency in Haley’s ability to apply them the greater her chances for job hire… I would say to other parents looking at CM to recognize that this, like all other education and community programs, is a process and to commit to the program."

Parent of Scotty
"...The biggest difference between Clear Motivations and other adult programs is the director's commitment to their [participants. I appreciate their never-ending desire to understand each participant and their unique behaviors and traits..."

Parent of Natalie
"...I feel confident and relieved that she is getting the training and interaction she needs to help her grow and succeed in many things that she will carry for the rest of her life. I appreciate the interaction and information that I receive regarding status, progress, changes, etc. through text, email, phone calls. All are welcome to keep me and Natalie informed..."

Parent of Nick
"...They have taken who was once hard to deal with child and molded him into a lovable fun person who is now fun to be around. He gets out of the house, has people who truly care about him and he has an amazing facility..."

Parent of Sydney
"...The difference between CM and other programs is there’s a clear plan each week, with the end goal matching that of the participant and or family, be it community integration or an employment opportunity..."

Parent of Octavio
"I have noticed that Octavio has more companionship and helps more since joining the program. His attitude has improved tremendously and is in more of a good mood nowadays…I would recommend Clear Motivations and say to parents that I one hundred percent recommend it for their child"

Parent of Nenetzi
"...Clear Motivations has benefited her because she’s had the opportunity to meet new people and feels more comfortable around others. We have had many special moments with Clear Motivations... I would recommend CM to others and say that this program is very educational and my family and I have a lot of trust in it..."

Julio Gonzales
"CM has benefitted me because I feel safe in my work environment, someone is always there in case I face a problem. Clear Motivations has shown me how to have better relationships with my managers. The program has taught me some strategies on how to work with urgency..."

Parent of Jose
"I was in another program before and l did not like it and of the three programs that l visited l liked CM the most. I’ve been in the program for about 3 or 4 years. What I like most about CM is how they help others find jobs. The difference between Clear Motivations and other programs is that they teach participants how to be more independent and in other programs, they don't do as much..."

Parent of Andre
"CM is a structured work program that gives participants a sense of accomplishment and pride. The difference between Clear Motivations and other programs is that CM provides a real-world, real situation setting as opposed to a classroom setting."

Parent of Alec
"... What I like most about the program is the variety of job sites those in the program go to, giving them a chance to feel productive while they explore potential job skills alongside the caring job coaches... We as parents can feel confident that our son is safe while we are at work and our son is engaged, challenged, and working with friends and staff."
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